UNDP Barrier and Solution Cards


About the partnership:

ideas42 is a social enterprise that uses behavioral science to design scalable solutions that seek to do good. In 2020, they were contracted by the UNDP-led Joint UN Transitions Project to develop innovative and behaviorally-focused ways to solve the challenges they face in working together across entities. ideas42 worked with us to create designed solutions for specific challenges across their portfolio with UNDP.


  • Create a deck of 90 compelling playing cards with behavioral pitfalls to create discussion and spark ideas of collaboration in situations that have innate difficulties in doing so.

  • Utilize custom imagery to capture attention and demonstrate behavioral barriers and solutions.

  • Create a flexible output that these cards can be utilized and scaled in other capacities and domains in the future.


  • Explore visual stylings in typography, color, and illustrations to make a playful, yet professional appearance.

  • Collaborate with an illustrator to create illustrations that communicate concepts in a clear way.

  • Optimize design for potential language translation and printed card decks.


Worldwide United Nations staff that collaborates across UN entities.


Cards were rolled out to staff/divisions during workshops and forums to prompt discussions. Cards were well received as engaging and effective.


*UNDP has the rights to these materials